Getting Your First 100 Subscribers

Getting Your First 100 Email Subscribers

There are many ways that you can gain email subscribers, but the best way to do this is with a good content strategy. If people read your content and see that you know your subject and provide real value, then they will be very willing to join your email list to get more content from you.

The content that you produce can be written or presented in video or even audio format. A mixture of these formats is even better. Whatever content you produce make it really great. If you don’t it won’t get read, and you will not get subscribers to your list.

What Is Great Content?

The first thing to say here is that it will always add value. After reading your content the reader will be able to do something that they couldn’t do before, or will feel empowered or generally lifted.

Your content should always be relevant to your audience. If your speciality is making money online, then focus on that and how you can help others to do it too. Make sure that you use titles that will grab the attention of your audience.

Have a content strategy and create a plan around it. You are going to write and publish a set number of times each week, and you will write about different aspects of your niche that will help people. You can do it off the cuff, but it is a lot more difficult and it will be harder to motivate yourself to do this.

Provide A Great Incentive

People have become a lot more guarded about giving away their email address than they used to. You will need to provide them with a great incentive to do this. A report which shows them how to grow their business (or improve their life in some way) is a great incentive to offer.

Videos work well too. Whatever you are going to do make sure that it is well thought out and that it adds value. If your incentive is of poor quality, then it is likely that people will unsubscribe from your list before they even read your first email.

Getting In Front Of Your Target Audience

If you do not have an audience already, then you need to get in front of an existing one. When you are first starting out and make your initial posts it can feel like you are talking to yourself. It can be pretty demoralizing to only get 10 visitors a month to your site, so here is what you can do about it:

Set up social channels for your brand. If you are writing under your own name then set the channel up for you. If it is a business or a brand then use this name. The essential social channels are Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn.

Make posts to related groups in Facebook, LinkedIn and Google + as this can generate you a great deal of traffic. Also use Twitter hashtags to get your content discovered. Make a specific Facebook fan page that is branded.

Find content aggregators that will distribute your content. These need to be relevant to your niche of course. You can find these by using the major search engines. Use platforms such as Quora, Medium and LinkedIn to blog. You will need to build up followers to get visitors to your content.

Find relevant high traffic blogs in your niche and write blog posts that can be used for guest blogging. This is a great way to get in front of a large audience, and can very quickly increase your email subscriber base. You will also receive SEO benefits from this with valuable backlinks to your website.


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